Rudersdal Kommune — Rudersdal, Denmark

Public Spaces

Categoría: Public Spaces

Fotógrafo: Kim Matthai Leland

Productos: LP Icon LED Upgrade Kit

Background: The project started with a desire at Rudersdal Municipality to cut down on the municipality's total electricity consumption. A wish that could be felt in the municipal budget as well as in the CO2 accounts. Here it was suggested from Ørsted City Light that you could replace the interior light sources, thereby preserving the lamp itself:


- With a retrofitting of over 4,000 lamps, the municipality achieves very large savings on energy bills all year round. It makes good sense from an energy point of view, and if the municipality is happy with the expression of their lamps, then this is also the right way to go, says Christian Terkildsen, Senior Project Manager at Ørsted City Lights.


- The municipality also chose to inform all citizens about the change from eg. metal halide light sources and compact fluorescent lamps for LEDs. But there haven't really been any complaints about glare and it must be said to be quite satisfactory, concludes Karsten K. Kristensen, who is a landscape architect and project manager in Rudersdal Municipality.


- Yes it has been a combination of economic, aesthetic and sustainable considerations that have fortunately gone hand in hand. At the same time, we in the municipality have been delighted with our street lamps and were therefore very pleased with the prospect that we could keep them, while at the same time updating them with modern and energy-efficient light sources, says Karsten K. Kristensen.