Niels Brock Business College — Copenhagen, Denmark

Educational Facilities

Category: Educational Facilities

Photographer: Martin Sølyst

Products: Patera

Established in 1881 in Copenhagen, Niels Brock is a renowned business college, based in Julius Thomsens Plads. The main building dates back to 1929 and was originally illuminated with VL 45 fixtures.

Today, the building's main areas are illuminated with Patera by Øivind Slaatto, a fixture based on the Fibonacci sequence and carefully refined using multiple mathematical calculations that ensure soft, glare-free lighting. The lamp's mathematical aspect and modern design were defining features in its selection for the college.

Placed in the stairways and hallways, Patera provides exceptional functional lighting and a decorative feature in beautiful contrast with the building's classical architecture.

Patera was also chosen because of the built-in LEDs' energy-saving properties.