To compliment our other sustainability initiatives, Louis Poulsen also participates in two carbon offsetting projects: The Guatemalan Conservation Coast Project and The Great Bear Forest Carbon Project.
Louis Poulsen’s carbon neutrality is achieved by balancing our carbon emissions with carbon offsetting, which involves using carbon credits coming from positive impact projects. Each credit is certified according to international standards and corresponds to the reduction (or removal) of one ton of CO2 (or equivalent). The two projects we are involved with are the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project and the Guatemalan Conservation Coast Project.
The Great Bear Forest Carbon project aims at improving forest management in British Columbia (BC), the westernmost province of Canada. It aims to generate emission reductions through the protection of forest areas that were previously designated, sanctioned or approved for commercial logging. The project activities include changes in land-use legislation and regulation resulting in the protection of forest areas and reduction of harvest levels.
The second project is the Guatemalan Conservation Coast project and addresses the drivers of deforestation through effective law enforcement, land-use planning, education, economic opportunities, and sustainable agroforestry initiatives. The project has already produced significant results, with 2,406 ha being reforested, 658 locals receiving training, and 2,030 people benefiting from health services.